Nr. de înregistrare | Categorie | Denumirea | Câștigător | Anul desfășurării |
ICB #LAB_UASM_UTM_2018, LOT 2 | Laboratory Furniture | Supply and installation of Laboratory Furniture for Technical University of Moldova | Primobil-Lux SRL // Download | 2018 |
NCB #GLASS_UASM_UTM_2019 | Goods | Supply of Laboratory Glassware for Agrarian State University of Moldova and Technical University of Moldova | Lokmera SRL, Moldova | 2019 |
ICB #WORK_TUM_2019 | Civil works | Works on Thermal Rehabilitation and Windows Changing for building nr.5 of the Technical University of Moldova | Sarco Engineering SRL, Moldova. | 2019 |
ICB #LAB_ASUM_TUM _2019, LOT 5 | Laboratory equipment | Supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment for Agrarian State University of Moldova | Lokmera SRL, Moldova | 2019 |
ICB #LAB_ASUM_TUM _2019, LOT 3 | Mechatronics laboratory equipment | Supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment for Technical University of Moldova | Techno Volt SRL, Romania | 2019 |
ICB #LAB_ASUM_TUM _2019, LOTS: 1, 4 | Laboratory equipment | Supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment for Agrarian State University of Moldova and Technical University of Moldova | Nitech SRL, Romania | 2019 |
ICB #LAB_ASUM_TUM _2019, LOT 2 | Laboratory equipment | Supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment for Technical University of Moldova | Nitech SRL, Romania | 2019 |
LAB_ASUM_TUM _2019 (Lot 2) | Laboratory equipment | Supply and installation of laboratory equipment procured within the INVESTMENTS IN INFRASTRUCTURE component of the “Fruit Garden of Moldova” Project. | Nitech SRL, Romania | 2019 |
NCB #GREEN_UNGHENI_2020 | Goods | Supply of and turn-key installation of a Greenhouse for education purposes for Agro-Industrial College from Ungheni | GREEN PROPERTY SRL | 2020 |
NCB #FURN_SVETLII_2020 | Goods | Supply and installation of Furniture for the students dormitory for Technical-Agriculture College from Svetlii | Proenergy Electric SRL | 2020 |
ITQ #AGRI_ISPHTA_2020 | Goods | Accessories for the Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA) | Ozonteh Impex S.R.L. | 2020 |
ITQ #GRUB_CEHTA_CEVVC_2020 | Shopping for Technical Services | Grubbing up 5ha (CEVVC Stauceni) and 39ha (CEHTA Taul) of orchards | Tridimensional Tec SRL, Moldova | 2020 |
ITQ #ORCHARDS_SEEDLINGS_2020 | Goods | Achizitie butasi pentru: CEHTA Taul, CEVVC Stauceni, Colegiul Tehnic Agricol Svetlii, Colegiul Agroindustrial Ungheni | Vitis – Cojușna SRL | 2020 |
(Lot 1) |
Civil works | Lot 1: Works on modernizing the Mechanization hall of Agriculture Engineering and Auto Transport Faculty of the Agriculture State University of Moldova (ASUM) |
Procomcon SRL Lot 1 |
2020 |
ICB # WORK_ASUM_2020 (Lot 2)
Civil works | Lot 2: Works on renovating the Auditorium of Horticulture Faculty of the Agriculture State University of Moldova (ASUM) |
Sarco Engineering SRL Lot 2 |
2020 |
NCB #Support_ISPHTA_2021 | Goods | Support system for establishing new vineyards for final beneficiary Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA) |
Filaro Impreg Service SRL, Moldova |
2021 |
ITQ #SEED_RISCANI_2021 | Goods | Planting materials/seedlings of lavender (levantica) and sage (salvie) varieties. | RURAL PLUS SRL, Moldova | 2021 |
ICB #AGRI_MACHINE_2021 | Goods | Supply of agriculture machinery for two agriculture colleges, two centers of excellence in agriculture and one university, all located in the Republic of Moldova and procured within the INVESTMENTS IN INFRASTRUCTURE component of the “Fruit Garden of Moldova” Project. | AGT S.P.A. in Joint Venture with Forsagroinvest SRL | 2021 |
NCB #AGRI_RISCANI_2021 | Goods | Lot 1: agriculture machinery for (lavender and sage) plantations establishment and maintanance for final beneficiary: Agro-Industrial College from Riscani, Moldova,
Lot 2: equipment for service/maintenance of agriculture machinery, for education purposes for final beneficiary: Agrarian State University of Moldova. |
Lot 1: Ozonteh Impex SRL
Lot 2: Agrofermotech SRL |
2021 |
Goods | Laboratory Equipment and Glassware for two final beneficiaries, located in Moldova: Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA) and Agro-Industrial College „Gheorghe Răducan” from Grinauti village (GRINAUTI). | Ecochimie SRL | 2021 |
NCB #ICT_ASUM_2021A | Goods | Supply and installation of ICT equipment and 1 server (including peripherals) for the Agrarian State University of Moldova and for Agro-industrial College Gheorghe Raducan from Grinauti | BTS Pro SRL | 2021 |
ITQ #FERT_ISPHTA_2021 | Goods | Achizitie ingrasaminte pentru Institutul Stiintifico-Practic de Horticultura si Tehnologii Alimentare (ISPHTA) | CȘP Protectia Plantelor SRL | 2021 |
ITQ #Fence_ISPHTA_2021 | Civil Works | Ingradirea unui sector cu S=23,7 ha din cadrul terenului agricol cu nr.cad. 0131103.001 pe care are loc infiintarea plantatiilor-mama altoi si portaltoi viticoli situat in mun. Chisinau, or. Codru, pentru Beneficiarul final Institutul Stiintific-Practic de Horticultura si Tehnologii | ”ECACONS – GRUP” SRL | 2021 |
ITQ # BUS_ISPHTA_2021 | Goods | One Passenger van – 9 seats (including driver), minibus type for final beneficiary, located in Moldova: Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA). | „DAAC-AUTOSPORT” SRL | 2021 |
NCB # REAC_TUM_ASUM_2021 | Goods | Supply of laboratory chemical reagents for the Technical University of Moldova, Agrarian State University of Moldova and for Agro-industrial College Gheorghe Raducan from Grinauti, Moldova | IM „REDOX Lab Supplies” SRL | 2021 |
ITQ # FUEL_ISPHTA_2021 | Goods | Supply of Diesel fuel for final beneficiary, located in Moldova: Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA). | AVANTE SRL | 2021 |
AUD_TUM_2021 | Bunuri | Supply and installation of digital presentation equipment within the auditorium room no. 5-408 of building no. 5 – of the Technical University of Moldova | Genial Invest SRL | 2021 |
NCB#SUPPORT_CEVVC_ISPHTA_2022 | Procurement of goods (2 lots) | Lot 1 – Supply and installation of the support system for establishing 2.46ha of vineyard (final Beneficiary CEVVC)
Lot 2- Supply and installation of the support and anti-hail systems for establishing 0.4ha of cherry orchard (final beneficiary Ungheni College) |
Dilexis SRL, Moldova | 2022 |
WORK_ASUM_2022 | Civil works | LOT 1: Works on renovating the gallery (corridor) and secondary entrance hall at Agricultural Engineering and Auto Transport Faculty of Agrarian State University of Moldova (ASUM);LOT 2: Works on installing the exterior sewage and rainwater networks at Agricultural Engineering and Auto Transport Faculty of Agrarian State University of Moldova (ASUM); | CANCELLED | 2022 |
SOROCA_2022 |
Civil works | Works for construction of a “Technical-didactical Center on Agriculture Mechanization” for the Technical Agriculture College from Soroca. | Consmodern SRL, Moldova | 2022 |
Services | Tehnical designs for CEHTA Taul and CAI Ungheni | GEO-CAD-PROIECT SRL | 2022 |
LAB_TUM_2022 | Goods | Laboratory equipment for TUM | ECOCHIMIE SRL | 2022 |
WAREH_ISPHTA_2021 | Civil works | Works for construction of a “Cold Storage Warehouse for planting materials and grapes” for the Scientific Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies (ISPHTA), from Moldova | Colass SA, Moldova | 2022
2023 |
GREEN_TUM_2023 | Civil works | Supply and installation of a greenhouse for educational purposes, for the final beneficiary: Technical University of Moldova (TUM) | Croponix SRL, Moldova |
2023 |
ICB #WORK_RGS_2022 (LOTS 1, 2) | Civil works | Lot 1: Construction of a “Didactic laboratory for processing and quality control of essential oils” for the Agroindustrial College from Riscani, Moldova;
Lot 2: Construction of a “Technical-didactical laboratory in agricultural mechanics” for the Agroindustrial College “Gheorghe Raducan” from Grinauti, Moldova |
AM Sisteme SRL, Moldova (Joint Venture with MRK-Invest SRL, Moldova) | 2023 |
ICB#WORK_RGS_2022 (LOT 3) | Civil works | Construction of a “Laboratory for practical works consisting of a horticulture products sorting & packaging lab, & agriculture equipment repairing & maintenance lab,” for the Technical-Agriculture College from Svetlii, Moldova. | Consmodern SRL, Moldova | 2023 |
DESIGN_CEVVC_2023 | Services with deliverable | Execution of the technical design of the engineering networks for the Center of Excellence in Viticulture and Winemaking from Chisinau | Sigma Engineering SRL | 2023 |
TOOLS_SOROCA_2023B | Goods | Procurement of maintenance and service equipment for agriculture machines, for educational purposes, for the final beneficiary: Technical Agricultural College from Soroca | Agrofermotech SRL, Moldova | 2023 |
Shopping #FURN_SOROCA_2024 | Goods | Supply and installation of furniture for the endowment of the Technical-Didactical Center in Agricultural Mechanics, final beneficiary- Technical Agricultural College from Soroca | Convexmob SRL, Moldova | 2024 |
WORK_UNGHENI_2023 | Civil works | Works on capital renovation of the Repair and Maintenance of Horticultural equipment Laboratory, the corridor and the sanitary block of Agro-Industrial College from Ungheni | Consmodern SRL, Moldova | 2024 |